Terug naar Brabant
https://vimeo.com/219223013‘Van het gas af, de animatie. ‘Rol: Regie, camera, montage Film Privé Een documentje over de uitstrooiing van mijn oma.
mijnvoeding.nl – voedingfilms
https://vimeo.com/223340949 Mijnvoeding.nl informatiefilms Rol: Camera,regie, montage, animatie Film Opdrachtgever: Hutten Catering, mijnvoeding.nl In samenwerking met Sep Schaffers Glutenvrij Brood bakken Energierijk dieet https://vimeo.com/223010103/settings Zoutarm dieet Lactosevrij dieet Vezelrijk dieet Gezonde voeding
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESCknt35yzISplit – korte filmRol: Productie, schrijver Fictie film 48 hour Leiden – Brave New World Regie Eelke Dekker .
Bold Smart Lock
work: producer / planner
Casanova Trainer
https://vimeo.com/189535147Casanova Trainer – korte filmRol: Productie, regie, schrijver Fictie film 48hour film Utrecht 2016 Winner ‘Best special effects’ Winner ‘Best poster design’ Winner ‘Audience favourite award’ Casanova Trainer, a film made for the 48hour Film Project Utrecht 2016. Making Casanova TrainerMaking of Casanova Trainer
Coachcenter Event 2016 registration
Registration of the Coachcenter Event 2016
Joy Chiquita
A mini documentary about Joy Chiquita, a designer and friend. Her quirky designs are striking and mesmerizing. I focussed on her production of photobooths. Check out her awesome work at www.joychiquita.com
in place
https://vimeo.com/140582231in place – korte filmRol: Productie, (co-)regie Fictie film 48 hour Utrecht 2015 Runner up best film A young cleaning girl’s day turns upside down when she finds the gripping journal of a refugee…‘in place’ is a fiction short I (co-)directed and produced. It was made during the 48hour film project Utrecht 2015 with a […]
HAPKIDO, controle en beheersing
‘HAPKIDO, controle en beheersing’ is a short documentary follows a grandfather, father and his son who participate together at the national open championships of Hapkido 2013, with support of their martial arts teacher.